Graduation weekend was wonderful. Pretty much my entire family was there (birth family included). My best girl-friend Katie came all the way from Oregon! It was so good seeing her, I miss her so much and she is always such a blessing to me.
I loved seeing how proud Rem was as I walked down the isle during the graduation ceremony. He had the BIGGEST smile on his face, which in turn made my smile even wider!
I am the luckiest girl in the world to have such a loving and supportive family and friends. I absolutely love that we all get along so well. We fit together like we've been living and celebrating together for years! The wonderful weekend ended with lots of packing and cleaning. Rem was a great help. It's so weird having someone besides my parents be there to help me and encourage me. Don't get me wrong, I like it and wouldn't trade it for anything. In all my dreaming, I just never thought that it would feel this good.
Moving back home is interesting to say the least. Don't have near the amount of space that I did at my apartment in Columbia - the loss of my enormous closet makes me want to cry. I really want a puppy, but Rem is right in that I should probably wait until I know where I'm going to be and if I have the time and money to invest in a new dog. But that doesn't mean that I won't encourage my parents to get one! I'll at least get my puppy fix that way!
Anyway, there will be tons more changes coming my way soon, I'm sure. I'll try to write more often as I know I've been neglectful lately (sorry). Till then keep safe and trust God.
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