Friday, February 12, 2010

Icky Icky Radiology


Radiology exam - DONE!  Don't feel too horible about it because we don't have our grades back yet.  I'm sure I'd be super depressed and in full-on panic mode if I knew my raw score.  Last year, this test was severely curved, so I'm counting on consistancy!

I was invited to two different activities tonight, but after a test like that, I just don't feel like doing anything but sitting on the couch and watching some mind-numbing drama on TV.  Griswald likes it when I take the night off.  He curls up in my lap and just purrs away!  Sweet boy.

It's a funny feeling when hope dies.  Kind of a hollow acceptance.  Another step forward, no looking back, absolutely no regrets.  We're going to talk about perserverance in small group tomorrow.  I still have to finish the chapter, but was already struck with the words of Jesus in Luke 22:31.  Here's my version (insert your own name if you like)

"Lisa, Lisa, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat.  But I have prayed for you, Lisa, that your faith may not fail.  And when you have turned back, strengthen those around you."

Wow.  God prays for me!?!  How absolutely amazing, awe-inspiring, and humbling!  Before our trials come to us, they are first passed through Christ's prayers and the merciful hand of God.  Knowing that I am being sifted and put through the flames for a purpose gives me strength to endure whatever comes my way.  School challenges, illness, hardship, heartache, misunderstanding, alienation, persecution, doubt, finance troubles, injury, and even death - all of it has been bathed in prayer and aproved by God for my refinement. 

Praise be to Him who has saved me!  All honor and glory I give to you, Lord Jesus.

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