Thursday, May 6, 2010


Okay, I meant to write about this when it happened (Tues), but I've been trying to get everything done that I put off during finals (and it's quite a list).  Anyway, our group that is going to Africa this summer did another Yankee Candle fundraiser this spring.  I did pretty good with my sales and got people I didn't even know to buy things!!!  Well, there was this one guy who came to Sunday School while I was home and ordered something for his mom for Mother's Day.  I knew I wasn't going to be back in KC until that very weekend, so asked a friend if I could get the candles to hrm, if she would take them to Sunday School and distribute the 3 orders (including the 1 for this stranger).

So I had my parents make an extra trip to COMO to get the order, wait around late after work till my "friend" could pick up the order and it was all for nothing because this person didn't even go to church last Sunday!  Grrrrrr! I am sooooo frustrated!  Yes, I realized what I asked wasn't super convenient for her since she apparently doesn't go to church except to socialize when she knows I'm in town.  But when I asked for a favor, she could have said "no", or "I'm not sure I'll go to church, my attendance has been sketchy lately".  But what did she say?  "Sure!  No problem, I'd be glad to help!"

I am so sick and tired of this person never doing what she says she'll do.  Yes, ultimately it's my responsibility to get the order to the correct people, but if you said you'd do it - then do it!  I don't care about your excuses, it would have been one hour of your day - maybe not even that!  She could have distributed them and then left!  I can't believe I thought she would come through this time.  Never again will I intrust her with anything, big or small. 

So now, I have to somehow get the candle orders back from her in time to contact this guy (who I think lives a good distance from Olathe) and hunt him down before Sunday so he can have the gift for his mom.  This is exactly how I wanted to spend my weekend at home!  Ahhhhhhh!  I really don't feel like talking with her or pretending I'm not mad about this.  She just doesn't think about how her actions impact other people.  I'm tired of it.

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