Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I made it through (well almost).  I still have my first surgery later this afternoon, but that's not for an official grade, and I feel pretty prepared for it - I have a good lab group.  The test today wasn't too horrible considering I only had time to go over my notes twice after I got home from the clinical procedures lab last night. 

I am soooooo tired!  I need a diet coke, but am wary of drinking one because we can't exactly leave to go to the bathroom during the middle of surgery....  And I can't go without it because then I'll get a headache :(  If you're reading this, I apologize for my complaining and general grumpiness, but I haven't gotten much sleep lately and don't feel like putting effort into sounding chipper.

Well, enough of my drab discourse.  I found some amazing passages in a book recently, I'll try and post them soon.

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